Tutorials and Screencasts

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Links to videos work properly only inside the IGBremen's gitlab wiki (opens new window) for this documentation.

Video links need to be updated to work on icdp-online.org servers.


Developer Tutorials


There were some short video tutorials. They are now deprecated. The tutorials showed scenarios that execute without any trouble and produce an expected output.
A trained mDIS user performed a task. The software was properly configured and everything ran smoothly.

In this regard, here we have provided brief video tutorials to demonstrate how the user interface of a properly configured mDIS is meant to be used.

(All videos removed intentionally)

Log in

(Video: "logging in" - removed, UI has changed)

The user goes to a webpage that is available on the public internet, or on a private network. The user enters username and password and logs in.

Data Entry

What you find on the dashboard

View Data

How to work with input forms

  • Use the filter function and view datasets Filter_and_record_list_VP8

  • Export some datasets, e.g. for printing. Export_data_sets__VP8

Add/Edit Record, Duplicate

  • Only Operators or Admins can do this.

    • How to edit a record Edit_a_data_set_VP8
    • Create a new record
  • Add a core - ...to be continued

  • Add a section - ...to be continued

  • Switch back and forth between core and section

  • Duplicate a record - Duplicate_a_record_VP8

  • Add a value to a value list - Add_a_value_to_the_value_list_VP8

Create Parent-Child relationships

  • e.g. add core section to a selected core run.

Delete items

  • Delete Records
  • Delete Forms
  • Delete Forms and related tables
  • Cascading Deletes (of Forms and Tables)

TODO Happy Paths

  • refine documents, update links
  • create more screencasts / videos

Sad Path Scenarios

Scenarios showing some trouble and error conditions.

Exact diagnostics might be a power-user task. (Fixing is DIS dev/admin task)

  • Virtualization Problems (BIOS Settings, enable CPU Virtualization Support)
  • Guest VM bootup problems
  • Internet network problems
  • Host/Guest interaction problems (networking, shared folders, webserver, Host firewall)
  • insufficient permissions (User Rights, e.g Viewer tries to edit data, make API requests)
  • Database-asserted Constraint Violations (Primary-Foreign key, Cascading Deletes, Column constraints/defaults/unique constraints/NOT NULLS, row duplications),
  • Rename Operations (of columns, of tables)
  • Client-Side-asserted Input validators (numeric/string datatypes, datetime issues, depth semantics...)
  • Form/Tableset generation (= code generation issues. DB/File access permissions)
  • Code editing issues (custom formfield validators).