Details on Reports, Exports and Action Reports


Explanations, examples and more detailed information on every report can be found here. The following reports are available and accessible from the following forms:


Core Boxes Summary

  • Accessible from 'Hole' and 'Corebox' forms.

The Core Box Summary Report is a twofold report. At the top it shows corebox data together with its assigned section splits. Below that a corebox photo with basic information is available. The report opens in a new browser tab and is printable with the browser printer.

Core Boxes Summary

Core Overview

  • Accessible from 'Core' form.

This report gives a visual summary of core sections. For each core the section images (CS - unrolled core scan or SS – slabbed section) are displayed next to each other and with regards to their curated length. A click on one of the images opens a new tab with a higher resolution version of this section.

Core Overview

Core Overview for IGSN

  • Accessible only from 'Core' form.

This report gives a visual summary of core sections for IGSN landing pages. For each core the section images (CS - unrolled core scan or SS – slabbed section) are displayed next to each other and with regards to their curated length. A click on one of the images opens a new tab with a higher resolution version of this section. At the moment, it works only with max. 1 m long sections and only with DMT CoreScans.

Corebox label and corebox label (small)

  • Accessible from 'Corebox' form.

A print label with section data to stick to a corebox in different sizes. By default, two versions are available. Each corebox label consists of two labels: one for the front (Top - T) and one for the back (Bottom – B) of the box. The information on the label shows the sections stored in this box and the drillers depth. The information can be modified to fit the projects specific needs. The QR code contains the corebox combined ID. To differentiate the corebox combined ID from a core combined ID the abbreviation CB is added. Next to the corebox label, labels for sections, samples and cuttings are available.

Corebox Label Left: default corebox label, right: small default corebox label.

Cores with sections

  • Accessible from 'Core' form.

Overview of core and the corresponding section depth and length data. This report is essential for checking data input of recovered lengths. The sum of the section length and/or curated length of a core should equal the recovered length of the core. This report is also available as PDF export.

Cores with sections

Crates Overview

  • Accessible from 'Expedition', 'Site', 'Hole' forms.

Shows splits and their summed-up weight in crates to be shipped. The crates are generated and filled in the action report: fill crates.

Crates Overview

Cuttings Label

  • Accessible from 'Cuttings' form.

This generates a PDF label with cuttings data to print and put on a cuttings container. By default, the average drillers depth, the sieve size, the curator and the sampling date are displayed. It is possible to modify the label for the project’s needs. To differentiate the combined ID of cutting sample from a core the abbreviation “CUT” is added to the combined ID, which makes the ID unique. The QR code contains the IGSN.

Cuttings Label

Details of Records/ List of records

  • Accessible from all forms.

Opens all or the selected records/list of records in a new browser tab.

Details of Records

Expedition Events Overview

  • Accessible from 'Expedition' form.

Overview of different devices used on expeditions (e.g. Box Corer) -> usually used on cruises, where other devices for sampling are available.

Expedition Events Overview

Expedition Events by Site

  • Accessible from 'Expedition' form.

Overview of different devices used at each site -> usually used on cruises, where other devices for sampling are available.

Expedition Events Site

Geo Sample Profile

  • Accessible from 'Core' and 'Section' forms.

Shows samples and visualizes the missing rock material next to a section image. For this report it is necessary to fill the field Fraction of Section Split [%] in the sample form, as this value defines the width of the blue box marking the missing rock material.

Geo Sample Profile

Hole Overview

  • Accessible from 'Hole' form.

This report gives a visual summary of all cores with its section for a hole . For each core of the hole the section images (CS - unrolled core scan or SS – slabbed section) are displayed below each other and with regards to their curated length. A click on one of the images opens a new tab with a higher resolution version of this section.

Hole Overview

Lithology/Section Report

  • Accessible from 'Core', 'Section', 'Split' and 'Lithology' forms.

Shows a section image and its basic lithology description. The color of the boxes indicate the interval of a Lithological Unit.

Lithology/Section Report

Request Cover Sheet

  • Accessible from 'Sample Request' form.

Prints a PDF for keeping track of sampling. Implemented for repositories. The report is usually printed and filled out manually. It gives an overview of the sample request information and supports the workflow in the repository.

Request Cover Sheer

Sample Label

  • Accessible from 'Sample' form.

This generates a PDF label with sample data to print and put on a sample bag. By default, the Combined ID, the IGSN, the relative top and bottom of the sample in the section as well as the sampling date, the curator and the request number are displayed. It is possible to modify the label for the project’s needs. The combined ID is extended with a colon followed by the relative top and bottom depth of the sample. The QR code contains the IGSN.

📝 Note: No real depth information is shown, as depth may change several times.

Sample Label

Section Data Summary

  • Accessible from 'Hole' and 'Core' forms.

This report shows all available file types in mDIS and marks which kind of file types are already uploaded and assigned to a section.

Section Data Summary

Section Label

  • Accessible from 'Split' form. This way it is possible to print labels for Whole Rounds, Archive and Working halves.

This generates a PDF label with section data to print and put on a section or a liner. By default, the Combined ID, the IGSN, the MCD top and bottom depth of the section as well as the sampling date and the curator are displayed. It is possible to modify the label for the project’s needs. The QR code contains the IGSN.

Section Label

Sites and Events (=Holes)

  • Accessible from 'Expedition' and 'Site' forms.

Overview of locations of events -> usually used on cruises. For surveys and special devices used on cruises it is useful to also document the start and end geographic coordinates.

Sites Events

Soft Core with Sections

  • Accessible from 'Expedition' form.

💡 Tip: Use this report to check depths and lengths!

Overview of core and section information. -> usually used for ocean or lake expeditions Overview of core and the corresponding section depth and length data. This report is essential for checking data input of recovered lengths. The sum of the section length and/or curated length of a core should equal the recovered length of the core. The first row of the header shows an overview of the whole expedition. The second row shows data of the site and the third row the data for an event. If you scroll down the corresponding headers are repeated for new events and new sites.

Soft Cores with Sections

Visual Core Description

  • Accessible from 'Core' and 'Section' forms.

Empty template for lithological description with section image for printout. The report can be modified to fit the project’s needs.

Visual Core Description

WR Samples Summary

  • Accessible from 'Core' form.

Overview of core and the corresponding section data also showing samples taken at the Whole Round. For similar reports see also 'Cores with Sections' and 'Soft Cores with Sections' reports.

WR Samples Summary


Explanations, examples and more detailed information on every export can be found here. The following export possibilities are available and accessible from the following forms:


Borehole Split Unit Profile as CSV file

  • Accessible only from current record of 'Hole' form.

Lithological summary grouped by selected attributes. This report outputs lithology by attributes rather than a single section. E.g. if "Lithology" is selected as attribute, the report will list all sections in one row as long as the lithology stays the same.

Cores with Sections (PDF)

  • Accessible from 'Core' form.

Overview of core and the corresponding section depth and length data as PDF file. This report is essential for checking data input of recovered lengths. The sum of the section length and/or curated length of a core should equal the recovered length of the core. This export is also available as report.

Core with Sections PDF

Export full records as CSV file

  • Accessible from all forms.

Exports records as CSV file with a metadata header and database names of columns. Pseudofields (mostly depth information) are also exported. Be aware of the export date, because depth information may change at a later point. CSV files are semicolon “;” separated and can be opened e.g. in Excel or Calc.

Click here for a download of a 'Full CSV Export' example for sections.

Full CSV Export

Export records as CSV file

  • Accessible from all forms.

Exports records without metadata and with the same column names as displayed in mDIS. Pseudofields (mostly depth information) are also exported. Be aware of the export date, because depth information may change at a later point. CSV files are semicolon “;” separated and can be opened e.g. in Excel or Calc.

Click here for a download of a 'Full CSV Export' example for sections.

Full CSV Export

Export to Corelyzer

  • Accessible from 'Core' form.

This exports relevant data (core and section data with depth information and assigned images) for import and use with Corelyzer. Corelyzer is a software for core image and data visualization developed and maintained at the CSD facility of the University of Minnesota. More information, tutorials and download of Corelyzer is available on the CSD webpage (opens new window).

IGSN export

  • Accessible from 'Hole', 'Core', 'Split' and 'Sample' forms.

XML export of data for IGSN registration. It is not used in mDIS V3 anymore.

Action Reports

Explanations, examples and more detailed information on every action report can be found here. The following action reports are available and accessible from the following forms:


Assign storage location

  • Accessible from 'Corebox' form.

This action report assigns or reassign interactively coreboxes to a storage location. If corebox information is added in section split, it is possible to “assign” or “reassign” the boxes to a storage location. Before this action can be used storage information of the core repository (e.g. repository, building, room, shelf, etc.) must be entered in curation_storage.

The action report opens in a new browser tab (if not check the popup-blocker settings) and consists of 3 steps:

  1. Select all coreboxes that should be assigned or reassigned to the same storage location. That can either be done by filtering in the corebox form (e.g. with create filter) before opening the action report or after opening the report by clicking the checkbox next to the coreboxes.

  2. Open the “New storage location” drop down menu and select the appropriate location. Be aware that only storage locations that were entered earlier into mDIS in the storage form can be selected.

    Assign Storage1

  3. Click “continue” and confirm that the coreboxes will be assigned to the correct location.

    Assign Storage2

  4. The records will be assigned and an overview of the new storage location displayed.

    Assign Storage3

  5. Close the tab and refresh the corebox form in your browser. The changes are now visible in the form.

Batch allocation of samples in container

  • Accessible from 'Sample' form.

Interactively assign samples to a container, similar to 'Assign storage location' action report. By default, mDIS does not have a Container table. That was implemented for core repositories. If you want to use this action report, start with adding a curation_container table and follow the steps:

💡 Tip: Keep in mind that developer or administrator user rights are necessary to add or modify tables and forms.

  1. Add a table curation_container with very basic input fields to allow you to create a container and assign it to a storage location (1:n relation) that is defined in the storage form and add a few containers and assign them a storage location. The input form may look like this:

    Assign Samples Container 1

  2. Add also two extra fields in the sample form. “Container” is a drop-down menu (relation) and “storage location” is a pseudo field. It is automatically filled, if a container is selected. It is possible to put a sample into a container manually in the form, but usually several samples are stored together in one container. For that reason, the Action report “Batch allocation of samples in container” exists.

    Assign Samples Container 2

  3. Open the action report. By default, all available samples are preselected. It is possible to change that manually, but the most efficient way is to filter in the form before opening the action report for the samples that should be assigned into one container.

  4. Select an available container from the drop-down menu in the action report and click “submit”.

    Assign Samples Container 3

Batch delete/ Recursive delete

  • Accessible form every form.

Opens a new tab to batch delete data in that form and/or delete data recursively in all hierarchy levels. Recursive delete is only available for Administrator user roles.

  1. Select the records in the form you want to batch delete and open the action report “Batch delete/Recursive delete”.

    Batch delete

  2. Make sure that “Recursively delete all related records” is NOT selected and click “continue”.

  3. Check that the correct records are selected and click “delete records”. It is only possible to delete records, if there is no related data available. Otherwise there will be an error.

  4. If the records should be recursively deleted, the checkbox next of “Recursively delete all related records” needs to be ticked. The checkbox is only available for a user with administrator rights. This will delete all selected records and also all related data below that in the hierarchy. For example: If an expedition is deleted recursively, all data in sites, holes, cores, sections, splits, samples, etc that are part of this expedition will also be deleted. The information in the yellow box of the action report tells you where related data may be deleted.

Batch edit

  • Accessible form every form.

Opens new tab to batch edit data of that form. After selecting records open the action report “batch edit”. All editable fields are available and can execute different kind of alterations:

Not all options are available for all types of fields.

Batch edit

Completion Letter

  • Accessible from 'Sample Request' form.

Template of a Completion Letter that can be sent with the sample to the requester. The text body can be manually modified. The fields in curly brackets {} will be automatically filled with data from the sample request. If any changes to the text were made, it is necessary to first click “generate” and then “save”. Save will print this document into a PDF file.

Completion Letter

Create Sample Series

  • Accessible from 'Sample' form.
  • Only available from current record export button.

The report creates a sample series starting from an already existing sample. Therefore, the first sample of the series needs to be entered manually. When this sample is selected in the current record of the sample form, the 'create sample series' action report can be used.

This action guides through the process of creating a sample series in several steps:

  1. Specify the interval in which samples should be created and the number of samples to create in this series. Note that the interval is defined as the top depths between the samples.

    Sample Series1

  2. Choose the splits to sample. If a sections is split, the working half (W) is selected by default. Click "Continue".

    Sample Series2

  3. A preview of the samples to be created is displayed. If samples cannot be created, notes will be shown. For example, a sample could already exist there or the section is not long enough to cover the whole length of the sample.

    Keep in mind that single samples (length, depth, etc.) can still be modified after they are created.

    Sample Series3

  4. Click "create x samples". After creating the samples there is the option to directly print the corresponding sample labels.

Fill crates

  • Accessible from 'Expedition', 'Site' and 'Hole' forms.

Assigns splits to crates until a maximum crate weight is reached. Implemented only for shipping purposes. There is no undo option/action available.

This action guides through the process of filling crates in several steps:

  1. Enter a maximum allowed weight for the crate in kg. This can be modified every time the action report is opened. Select the crate new section splits should be added to or create a new one by selecting the row with the empty crate name and enter a new crate name. Then press 'continue'. There is also the option of seeing the crates overview report.

    Fill Crates1

  2. The selected crate is highlighted and the weight will change interactively, if section splits are selected or deselected, functioning as an on-the-fly calculator. Once the maximum weight is exceeded, the weight field is highlighted in red. If the selection is finished, click 'continue'.

    Fill Crates2

  3. Confirm the selection

  4. An overview of the newly assigned section splits is shown. It is possible to assign more section splits to crates or show the crates overview report.

    Fill Crates4

Sample Sheet

  • Accessible from 'Sample' form.

Interactively enter a large amount of samples on different sections without hierarchical restrains. This is still under development. be continued

Split Sections

  • Accessible from 'Core', 'Section' and 'Split' forms.

This action report allows to split a section split into smaller halves along the long axis. For example, a whole round section can be split into archive and working halves. It is also possible to split working halves into working quarters. It is also possible to split not only into 50/50 halves, but that can be chosen manually. Section splitting can be undone as long as no further data is related to the split (e.g. samples or a lithological description) with the Undo Section Splits action report.

This action guides through the section splitting in several steps:

  1. Either select the sections to split from the list of records before opening the action report or select the sections in the report.

  2. Select the first and second split type and choose the percent this 100% section should be cut into. Usually it is virtually cut into an 50/50 archive and a working half.

  3. Click "split"


  4. The report states that the sections were split successfully. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed.


Undo Sample Series

  • Accessible from 'Sample' form.
  • Only available from current record export button.

This action report allows to delete some or all samples created within a Create Sample Series action report.

  1. Select the first sample generated by a sample series and open the action report.

  2. Choose the samples to undo and click "continue"

    Undo Sample Series

  3. Confirm that the selected samples should be deleted.

Undo Section Splits

  • Accessible from 'Core', 'Section' and 'Split' forms.

This action report allows to virtually "glue" section halves back together. The action is only working as long as no related data exists (e.g. samples or a lithological description).

  1. Select the section split that should be put back together. For example, select the whole round section that was split before.

💡 Tip: Select all split types that exist for the section (e.g. whole round, archive and working halves).

  1. Open the action report and check the section splits. Then press "undo split".

    Undo Splitting

  2. The report states that the split was undone successfully. Otherwise, an error message will be displayed.