(under construction)

DOIs and IGSNs at DataCite.org


Although mDIS supports generation of IGSNs as a built-in feature (to link samples to their metadata), the following does not have to do much with mDIS in particular. It is still useful background knowledge for anyone who intends to work with IGSNs, the International Generic Sample Number.

We will explore a few DataCite URLs and APIs in this guide.

Important Link

Design Document

by Datacite

IGSN–DataCite Technical Transition, July 2022

At Google-Docs (opens new window)

IGSN in mDIS - general introduction to IGSNs
WDC-Terra IGSN Endpoint - send queries to WDC-Terra's/GFZ Potsdam /igsnoaip Endpoint for read-only access.


Datacite.org, the central registration organisation for IGSNs

This article explores the DOI infrastructure.

DataCite has a DOI registry (opens new window) and its metadata schemas (.xsl Files) were a great "inspiration" for IGSN schemas. 🤔 )