Documentation Workflows

These workflows can also be used, e.g. when a new documentation writer does not have all tools installed yet, or when a structured review process is required.

Automated Documentation Workflow

Since late 2023, we use the following workflow. It is better alternative because there is less manual work involved, and the documentation is always up-to-date (in particular, the searchable full-text index is kept up-to-date).

Modern mDIS Documentation Workflow
A documentation writer performs the steps with light background:
Alternative mDIS Documentation Workflow
All other Steps with dark background are automated.

This workflow reflects a normal developer workflow:

  • Edit files
  • git push to repository

All following steps (indicated with *) are automated, performed by the Gitlab software. The developers and documentation writers do not have to convert and upload files themselves.

4-eyes workflow

This is a 4-eyes workflow, where the documentation is updated and approved by 2 different people. (1) editor who contributes updates to the content, and (2) a reviewer then generates the static HTML pages.

mDIS Documentation Workflow with 2 people
A user performs the steps with light background. A maintainer approves manually and triggers further automated steps.
Alternative mDIS Documentation Workflow
Automated Steps are labeled with *.
Note: The git pull + merge locally step can also be performed in-browser in the Gitlab WebIDE. - Some later CI/CD steps (like updating the fulltext index and creating a PDF) are not shown in the image.

Thus the Vuepress tool does not have to be installed on neither the editor's or the writer's computers. Their maintenance burden is reduced.