mDIS Documentation Workflow


Until late 2023, these were the steps to follow to build and publish an update to the mDIS documentation webserver (opens new window).

Workflow Sketch
Regular mDIS Documentation Workflow (simplified)
Update 2023: we now use the Automated Documentation Workflow

Routine Steps

Setup for routine work - for experienced contributors

When you have everything in place, do this:

  • Edit or add content to the documentation
    • edit Markdown files (.md files) in an editor of your choice (VS Code, Notepad++, etc.)
  • Convert Markdown to HTML
    • with a static site generator like Vuepress (opens new window)
    • use Vuepress as a command-line tool
      • vuepress build (rebuild everything. This is slower, takes ~ 1 minute.
      • (advanced) vuepress dev (convert only changed files, incrementally, instantaneously)

Update 2023: this step is now obsolete!

On each commit, Gitlab CI/CD infrastructure takes care of uploading the static HTML to the webserver.
  • Upload generated static HTML to webserver
    • these files are in the .vuepress/dist/ folder
    • as a shortcut, just upload the entire local folder in one go, overwriting the existing files
      • from .vuepress/dist/ (local)
      • to /data1/icdp/html/mdis-docs (on data.icdp)
    • use scp, Filezilla, or any other tool that can upload files.
    • you should also upload any new or changed files
      • such as image files (.png and .jpg), .css files, and .js files etc.

For new users and contributors

Initial setup

  • install some tools (git, Powershell (on Windows), VSCode; a graphical git client, etc).
  • customize the tools, in particular: enhance VScode with extensions, notably for Markdown editing (see end of this page)
  • make a local copy of this git repo, with git clone (Or use "Open in your IDE")
  • Alternatively, a complete in-browser edit is possible, with Gitlab's WebIDE, but this is not recommended for larger changes. It is better to use a local editor. (And we cannot explain WebIDE here.)

Setup for routine work

Edit or add content to the documentation. See above.

  • Some extra details:
  • git-commit your local changes,
    • this will set the "Last Updated" info in footer of web pages edited
    • if possible, upload back to the remote git repo (git push)
  • obsolete: convert Markdown to HTML
    • copy static HTML to webserver
    • since late 2023, Gitlab CI/CD infrastructure takes care of HTML conversion and upload

Setup for occasional work

  • re-index the documentation, e.g. with Algolia, for the "Search here" feature
    • since late 2023, Gitlab CI/CD infrastructure takes care of this
  • Generate a long, single-page PDF Document from the HTML pages (optional) with

Setup for one-off work

Some Specialized Subtasks

Tasks that are easily forgotten, rarely needed, or really advanced.

Some of these are explained in great detail at the end of this page, in Section "Step-by-step instructions".

  • Optional one-off task, on Windows: enable Powershell interactive scripting

    • Optional, if you prefer to upload by script.
    • Run once, as Administrator, on Powershell console:
    • set-executionpolicy remotesigned
    • This enables running Powershell scripts (.ps1 files) on your Windows computer.
  • ToDo: Also describe related one-off tasks, scripts and tools

    • image-formattting tricks
    • Styling and theming (editing .styl files)
    • remove stale files (previous versions of images etc)
  • For admins: Sometimes it might be necessary to change and also directly upload files to the gitlab server/repo, In particular files that are not under version control (e.g. the cpdf binary), or that are not part of the documentation itself.

Alternative Workflows

Step-by-Step Guide for Windows

This is a detailed list of instructions of all installatation and configuration tasks needed to build and publish an update to the mDIS documentation.

This is written for a Microsoft Windows User.



Run as Administrator

Powershell is a command-line tool. It is available for all versions of Windows. It even comes preinstalled with Windows 7, 8, 10 and 11. This preinstalled version is good enough for us.

  1. Optional: Install the most recent version of Powershell
  2. Not optional: Run Powershell as Administrator (opens new window) at least once.
    • Setup Powershell: Any user can run Powershell interactively by typing commands in the Powershell window. However, by default, running Powershell scripts (*.ps1 files) is not permitted by Windows, as a security measure.
    • To change this restrictive setting, once and for all, for all users, you need Administrator permissions. Inside a second Powershell Window (started with "Run as Administrator"), you must execute this command at least once:

Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

You should be able to run *.ps1 files (scripts) now. This is important for future upload-tasks, and for customizing the Powershell prompt.

Customizing the Powershell prompt (part 1)

The default prompt is PS [UserName]@[ComputerName] [PID]>. This looks very ugly. It is better to change it to something more readable, such as: <Current Time> <hostname> <current git branch name>:. Thus, vou will always know which git branch you are currently in.

To do so,
Run the following commands in the Powershell Window (started with "Run as Administrator"):

install-module -name PSReadline
install-module -name oh-my-posh
install-module -name posh-git

Initially, these can take some time, perhaps a couple of minutes. They also require an internet connection, and you might be asked to confirm questions (Answer "Y" or similar).

These commands will install some extra free extensions to Powershell, so-called "Powershell modules". The commands will download them from a Microsoft web site (repository).
This repository web site is marked as "untrusted" by default, as a cautionary measure. Therefore Powershell will ask for confirmation several times.

Type "Y" at each confirmation dialog.

After installation of the modules, type exit, or simply close the Powershell window that was "Run as Administrator".

Regular Powershell user

After successful module installation, we can continue to customize the Powershell prompt.

Open a new Powershell window, as a regular user.

The next command will give you a one-line output, with the name of the file that Powershell reads at startup:


The file will be called something like C:\USERS\...\powershell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1.

In Windows File Explorer, try to navigate to the directory C:\USERS\...\powershell\. Check that the powershell directory exists. If the powershell directory does not exist, create it.

Inside the powershell directory, if the file Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 does not exist, create it.

Open the file with Visual Studio Code, or any other text editor.

Inside that file, add the following lines:

Import-Module posh-git
Import-Module oh-my-posh
Set-PoshPrompt Honukai

Save the startup file.
Close the Powershell window, or type exit.

Open a new Powershell window, as a regular user.

This new Powershell will read in the startup file that we just created.

Then, in the Powershell window, you should see that the Powershell prompt was changed to something more readable:

TODO: insert screenshot of new prompt

Recommended: Make sure Powershell now also works properly from within VS Code.

Optional: Close VS Code. Open it again. Click the "Terminal" Top-Menu Item. Click on the "New Terminal" button. At the bottom of the page, inside VSCode, you should see a new Powershell window appear, with a customized prompt.

Use the mouse to navigate to the Terminal window. Try a few commands, e.g. get-help set-poshprompt, or (if git is already installed, and the current directory is under version control): git status.

Use CTRL-1 or use the mouse to leave the Terminal Window and switch back to the main editor window.


  1. Download Git for Windows from (opens new window)
  2. Run the installer.
    • There will be many dialogs. You can always use the default values, and click "Continue".
    • Confirm to add the git binaries to your PATH.
  3. Optional: Download a graphical git client like Git Kraken
    • This is optional, because VS Code also comes with its own git support built in, and some VS Code extensions also provide advanced git support, e.g. for timeline visualization.
  4. Customize git by setting some global git settings. These will affect all future projects.
    • Set the default email address to your email address
      • Run git config --global ""
    • Set the default name to your name
      • Run git config --global "Your Name"
    • Optional: Set the default editor to VS Code
      • (if VScode is already installed):
      • Run git config --global core.editor "code --wait"
  5. put public SSH key into the personal settings of GFZ's Gitlab Software (if you don't have one yet)
  6. generate an Access token for simplifying the upload/git push
  7. git clone the mDIS documentation repository

Visual Studio Code

  1. Download VS Code from (opens new window)
  2. Run the Installer.
    • Confirm to add the VS Code binaries to your PATH.
    • Open a Powershell Window as regular user
    • Then you can just type code and hit enter.
  3. (Optional) Customize the user interface and some keyboard shortcuts
  4. Click Terminal / New Terminal to open a new Powershell window.
  5. Type git status and hit enter.

Markdown Extensions

This is optional, but recommended.

In 2022 I was using the following Markdown-related extensions for Visual-Studio Code:


Markdown-all-in-one (opens new window)

Other extensions

Perhaps install some other extensions, such as:

  • Prettier
  • PowerShell
  • the "Material Icon Theme"
  • Github Copilot

Not related to Markdown:

If you use the Github Copilot (opens new window) extension, there can be keybinding conflicts. To solve them, use this:

    "key": "tab",
    "command": "markdown.extension.onTabKey",
    "when": "editorTextFocus && !inlineSuggestionVisible && !editorReadonly && !editorTabMovesFocus && !hasOtherSuggestions && !hasSnippetCompletions && !inSnippetMode && !suggestWidgetVisible && editorLangId == 'markdown'"
    "key": "tab",
    "command": "-markdown.extension.onTabKey",
    "when": "editorTextFocus && !editorReadonly && !editorTabMovesFocus && !hasOtherSuggestions && !hasSnippetCompletions && !inSnippetMode && !suggestWidgetVisible && editorLangId == 'markdown'"

Found here: Respect Inline Suggestion to improve compatibility with GitHub Copilot (opens new window)