Value lists

mDIS for Data Entry and Data Management


Value Lists provide an easy mechanism to manage the entries of selection-boxes that are very common in most data-input forms.

Each entry in a value list contains a display field and remark field. The display field is the value that is actually copied into the input field, if a user selects that entry. The remark field is only displayed additionally, as a user-friendly label.

A value list can be locked, so that the entries cannot be modified by users of the form. In this case, only mDIS operators can change the entries of the value list.

Value lists provide a mechanism to select values instead of entering them in a text input form field. This is only a mechanism for input convenience, it does not assert referential integrity.

Since the entries in a value list can be changed without affecting the records of a model where this value list is used, there can be values in the data model that do not occur in the value list.


In a form, a select input form field based on a value list looks like this:

value list

To select a value, click on the arrow down in the input field:

value list open

To edit the entries of the value list, click on the button next to the input field:

value list edit

  • To add a new value, fill out the abbreviation, description, sort index and click on button "Create".
  • To edit an existing value click on the pen button, change the values and click on button "Save".
  • To delete an entry, click on the delete button and confirm the question.