Editing a form field

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Extra Filters for Selection Boxes


  • Every form field is based on the data model column with the same name.
  • Depending on the data model column
    • only some input types are available,
    • the form field can be disabled or required,
    • the input type validators are automatically set,
    • some attributes are preset (i.e. the label and description)
  • Depending on the the selected input type of the form field, some additional attributes can show up.

Edit a form template in the template manager and expand a column.

edit form field


The label is is permanently shown in the form.

  • Attribute in JSON file: "label"


The description is an extended label text, rendered underneath most text fields, in a tiny font size. The description is only displayed when the form field has the input focus.

Thus, the description is never visible for fields that are disabled. Remember this when you design your forms. For a disabled field, choose a main label that is particularly clear.

  • Attribute in JSON file: "description"

Formatters for form textfields

This section is about "display-formatters", such as rounding numbers for easier viewing on screen.

Related: Article about formfield validators which perform more complex calculations, which can also made be persistant. TODO add pseudo-fields. These are complex calculations, which are not persistant, (but still searchable?).

Display-Formatters are snippets of JavaScript code, typically used to format the value of a form field. They usually take the form of one-liners of JavaScript.

The formatter allows you to customize the display of a column value in the data table, e.g. for rounding, converting units of measurement, apply correction factors. You can use formatters to create hyperlinks to certain values.

Enter a valid Javascript expression. For more complex calculations, you can use multiple expressions concated with “;”. The return value of the last expression will be displayed in the data table.

You can access column-values in the calculation as follows:

  • this.$value: Get the value of the current column.
  • this.<columnName>: Get the value of the current column, or of any other column (e.g. this.top_depth).
  • this.<relationColumn>.<columnName>: Get the value of the column of a related record (lookup from a child/parent table). The relation is determined by the name of the related column.

The expression entered cannot be syntactically validated by mDIS. If there is a syntax error in the expression, you may see the text “ERROR in formatter” in the data table. In the console of your browser you will find the error message of the problem.

The formatter is only used in the display of the data table. It is not used in the form or any reports and the displayed value cannot be searched for!

Inline calculations with formatters

Given a vlaue with lots of decimals:
let this.$value = 5.123499999

You could use a formatter to do this calculation, i.e. round thr value:

Result displayed is:

Conditional formatting of values

You could highlight values by appending some text to it:
this.$value + (this.top_depth > 4 ? ' (!)' : '')

The calculated value of the expression can contain JSON strings with HTML snippets, so you could i.e. conditionally format values differently, if they exceed a threshold value:
(this.$value > 70 ? '<span style="font-weight:bold">' + this. $value + '</span>': this.$value).

If the calculated value of the expression starts with “http”, a link with this target will be created: 'https://igsn.org/' + this.$value

On click, the link will be opened in a separate browser tab.

If you want to create a link and format the displayed value, you have to provide the full html for the HTML a tag:
'<a href="https://igsn.org/"' + this.$value + '>' + this.$value + '</a>'

Where are the formatters stored, physically?

  • They are stored in the file system. They are editable in the form's JSON file.
  • See oldName Attribute in JSON file in directories dis_templates/forms and dis_templates/default/forms.
  • This Attribute was recycled, obviously, so the whole concept of mDIS formatters is a bit of a "hack". You have been warned.

Standard Text Fields


The type of the form field determines what and how a user can enter data values. Which types are available depends on the type of the underlying model type, which in itself depends on the corresponding column datatype in the database.


Normal input field for texts, but also for numbers.

form Input text


Input for longer texts. Most browsers allow to change the size of the text area

form Input text


Switch to toggle a boolean value. Displays as a select input with the values "yes" and "no". Can only be used for data model columns of type "Boolean".

form Input text


Input to enter or select a date value:

form Input text


Input to enter or select a date with a time

form Input text


Input to select one or multiple values from a list. (The button next to form input is only available for a "value list" data source.)

form Input text

When this type is selected several additional inputs are displayed. There are three possible data sources for a select input:

Value list

Please read the chapter on value lists.

Form Input - select source (ValueList)

You can select one of the existing value lists or enter a name for a new value list. In the generated form you can edit the entries of the value list and lock it, if you want to avoid that normal users can change the values.

Optionally the users can enter values that are not contained in the value list.

You can filter the entries of the value list using an Extra filter.

Linked data model

Form Input - select source (Linked model)

  1. Select the data model to use as the data source for the select input.
  2. Select the column which`s value shall be stored in the data model column when a record is selected.
  3. Select the column to display for selecting the record.

You can filter the records of the linked data model using an Extra filter.

Form Input - select source (related model)

For a data model column created for a relation to a different model, the input type "select" and the list source as well as the related data model ist preset and cannot be changed.

Only the display column of the related model can be changed.


The user can only see but not modify the data. This can be applied to all input types.

  • Attribute in JSON file: "disabled"


This column must have a value. If it is empty, the record cannot be saved.

  • Attribute in JSON file: "required"


The value of an form input field can can be calucated based on other column values or data from related records like the parent relation.

This calculation takes place in the browser so it can update as soon as a value used in the calulation changes.

You can use the same syntax as in the Formatter for data table.

Continue by reading the Extra Filters for Selection Boxes article.